Said Atrahouch Echarrouti

Software Engineer

Languages: Spanish, English


I'm a software engineer with over 5 years of experience crafting delightful and engaging products. My passion lies in designing user-centered experiences that are snappy, enjoyable, and easy to use.

I strive to create digital products that are simple, user-friendly, and lightning-fast.

Side Projects



  • Typescript
  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Remix
  • RadixUI
  • TailwindCSS
  • Storybook
  • Playwright


  • Golang
  • NodeJS
  • Kysely
  • PostgreSQL
  • REST


  • Unit Testing
  • E2E
  • Docker
  • K8s
  • Git
  • CI/CD
  • TestContainers

Additional Information


  • Developer Experience
  • Startups
  • Videogames
  • Fitness
  • Diversity

Currently learning

  • Kubernetes

Currently improving

  • Typescript
  • CSS
  • Remix

Work Experience

  1. Streamloots company logo

    Senior Product Engineer

    May 2023 -> Present
    • Guided the engineering team in selecting optimal NodeJS/React libraries.
    • Authored a comprehensive guide-style approach for testing pages or components within the Remix framework.
    • Initiated ADR creation to enlighten new hires on our design rationale.
    • Executed a NoCode demo to grasp business requirements.
    • Orchestrated the seamless migration of an existing Flink project to incorporate CI/CD pipelines using Terraform and GitHub Actions.
    • Established the initial structure for the NodeJS backend.
    • Implemented TestContainers in our backend for seamless integration testing.
    • Assisted the team in front-end code testing using MSW to streamline mocks.
    • Established a Playwright environment for per-test request mocking in the Remix Backend.
    • Conducted a Proof of Concept on configuring an NLB for external AWS access to our RabbitMQ Cluster.
    • Integrated Cognito into our product and wrote a live document of all problems and solutions made during the development and research.
  2. Software Design Engineer II

    Aug 2022 -> Feb 2023
    • Worked as Software Design Engineer II in Self Serve team, a cross-functional team, to develop at an open source B2B SaaS product startup.
    • Proactively crafted and refined onboarding documentation, ensuring smooth user adoption and satisfaction.
    • Significantly elevated type safety standards during code reviews and slashed CSS debt, enhancing overall code quality and maintainability.
    • Led the charge in implementing an overage notification system for licensed users, prioritizing UX/UI design principles and stringent security measures.
    • Actively partnered with the design and PM teams to swiftly identify and resolve assorted bug fixes.
    • Worked alongside the team to comprehend requirements and business specifications.
  3. Streamloots company logo

    Full Stack Developer

    Feb 2021 -> Jul 2022
    • Worked within the Growth Team, a dynamic cross-functional unit, to drive innovation and rapid product deployment at a B2C SaaS startup.
    • Utilizing my expertise in TypeScript, Redux, React, and NodeJS, we devised multiple revenue-generating features with a strong emphasis on enhancing UI/UX.
    • Showcasted the potential of TypeScript through an in-depth exploration of conditional types, infer, and mapped types. At same time integrated various TypeScript utilities to elevate the Developer Experience.
    • Troubleshoot user issues based on user feedback and Sentry reports.
    • Helped with the migration effort from Flow to TypeScript, which was challenging, but I delivered features concurrently, ensuring a continuous product advancement.
    • Led the charge in updating backend and frontend packages, crafting a migration guide to tackle potential errors head-on.
    • Developed the three landing pages for various platform products.
    • Developed and coordinated various marketing campaigns with marketing, including both seasonal and weekly campaigns.
    • Implemented the integration with Voicemod.
    • Enhanced UI components with the new design.
    • Fixed and updated Storybook.
    • Cut Storybook compilation times in half after configuring SWC.
    • After migrating from Babel to SWC in Jest on the front end, execution speed decreased by 4x.
    • Configured Playwright for our E2E pipeline.
    • Created a Visual testing test to ensure CSS would render correctly in production.
    • Created tests to verify that users could make purchases using Paypal and Stripe.
  4. Streamloots company logo

    Mid-Senior Full Stack Developer

    Feb 2020 -> Feb 2021
    Madrid - Remote
    • Spearheaded the development of the ConectamosVidas project, overseeing form validation, email sending, and deployment on DigitalOcean.
    • Collaborated with Secuoyas on the coronavirus data dashboard, focusing on the Datos diarios por comunidades graph.
    • Conducted a thorough performance audit of a NodeJS project tasked with synchronizing data between services.
    • Proposed a client-centric, performance-driven architectural overhaul to address their eventual consistency issue.
    • Engineered a WebComponent using Preact for a micro frontends architecture, elevating product functionality and user experience.
    • Made significant contributions to a project utilizing React, Redux, and Redux Saga, ensuring timely completion.
    • Conducted an in-depth study of Next.js with Strapi, proposing future Landing Pages projects.
    • Led an internal workshop on React Query and xState as alternatives to Redux, improving team productivity.
    • Managed maintenance of a legacy project utilizing NodeJS, Redux, and React, ensuring stability.
    • Pioneered the initial development of the El Confidencial Website's Progressive Web App evolution, enhancing user experience.
    • Performed a performance audit of the El Confidencial Website, offering recommendations for improved system performance and user experience.
  5. Streamloots company logo

    Software Developer

    Jun 2017 -> May 2019
    • Implemented the incident system from scratch.
    • Incorporated Firebase for user notifications.
    • Integrated Traccar as the GPS for the platform.
    • Enhanced dashboard performance, slashing request time from 3 seconds to under one second.
    • Streamlined query performance, reducing 1 to 2-second queries to under one second.
    • Developed an AWS Lambda to preserve the latest synced state of all docks in Redis.
    • Created a guide for local AWS Lambda development using Localstack.
    • Configured Docker Compose for the new dashboard, including PostgreSQL, Kong, Konga, Keycloak, Localstack, and Redis.
    • Designed and built a Back For Front with Spring Boot and Kotlin for the new dashboard and maintenance Android app.
    • Engineered a microservice with Spring Boot and Kotlin for incident management on the platform.
    • Integrated ElasticSearch and Kibana into the Docker Compose setup.
    • Linked with PagerDuty as the primary source for incident management.
    • Incorporated SQS and SNS to prevent API saturation, establish a retry mechanism, enable horizontal scaling, and facilitate inter-system communication.
    • Developed a cron job to monitor incidents approaching SLA non-compliance, employing distributed locks with DynamoDB, creating high-priority issues in PagerDuty, and issuing SLA non-compliance notifications.
    • Built the frontend of the dashboard using React.
    • Slashed platform build time in half by eliminating old dashboard code.
  6. Streamloots company logo

    Jr Developer

    January 2016 -> Nov 2016